Impression of the Message of the Best Alumni of 1 Geography Education Study Program in Undergraduate Inauguration and Hospitality of FMIPA

Oleh: Febriyani Tue . 21 Februari 2025 . 13:40:20

Gorontalo, February 21, 2025 – The Geography Education Study Program of Gorontalo State University is proud of Yuniarti Ibrahim's achievement as the best student of the class of 2021 by graduating in 3.5 years. Yuniarti Ibrahim is known as a student who is active in various academic and non-academic activities. He has participated in various researches as well as been a delegate in national and international seminars. In addition, he also participates in social and environmental activities that have a positive impact on the community.


Yuniarti herself expressed her gratitude and gratitude for the award she received. "This is the result of hard work and support from lecturers and friends. I hope to continue to provide the best for the Geography Education Study Program and contribute more to the world of education," said Yuniarti. This award is proof that students of the Geography Education Study Program at Gorontalo State University continue to develop and make real contributions in the academic and social world.


23 - 24 Januari 2021

Pelantikan Ikatan Alumni di Jurusan ITK

Pelantikan Ikatan Alumni di Jurusan ITK, adalah pelantikan ikatan alumni dari dua program studi, yaitu program studi pendidikan geografi dan program studi Teknik geologi, dan ini adalah pelantikan pengurus Ikatan Alumni Pertama yang akan di lantik

21 Januari - 04 Maret 2021

Publikasi Vol 2. Nomor 1 Jambura Geo Education Journal (JGEJ)

Menerima Naskah Artikel untuk periode Maret 2021 Vol 2. No. 1
Gratis untuk biaya submit dan publikasi

Jurnal JGEJ diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi FMIPA UNG. Ruang Lingkup Bidang: 1. Pendidikan Geografi 2. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Studi Geografi 3. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Geografi 4. Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Geografi 5. Kajian Isi Pembelajaran Geografi 6. Kajian Kebijakan Pendidikan Geografi 7. Geografi sosial