Bone Bolango, February 25, 2025 The debriefing activity for MBKM participants of the UNG Teaching Program in Schools for the Even period 2024-2025 was held on February 24-25, 2025 attended by all students of the 2022 batch of Geography Education, Gorontalo State University. The debriefing aims to provide knowledge for students in carrying out activities at school while participating in the MBKM teaching program. MBKM Teaching Program in Schools in the Even period is one of the MBKM programs that aims to provide opportunities for students to learn and develop themselves through activities outside the lecture class for 1 semester which will be recognized for 20 credits.
The MBKM UNG Teaching Program in Schools in the Even Period Geography Education Study Program was attended by 33 students of the class of 2022. The debriefing was given by the field supervisor and the Supporting Constitutional Court Lecturer.
Pelantikan Ikatan Alumni di Jurusan ITK, adalah pelantikan ikatan alumni dari dua program studi, yaitu program studi pendidikan geografi dan program studi Teknik geologi, dan ini adalah pelantikan pengurus Ikatan Alumni Pertama yang akan di lantik
Menerima Naskah Artikel untuk periode Maret 2021 Vol 2. No. 1
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Jurnal JGEJ diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi FMIPA UNG. Ruang Lingkup Bidang: 1. Pendidikan Geografi 2. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Studi Geografi 3. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Geografi 4. Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Geografi 5. Kajian Isi Pembelajaran Geografi 6. Kajian Kebijakan Pendidikan Geografi 7. Geografi sosial