Bone Bolnago, March 11, 2025 – The Geography Education Laboratory, FMIPA, Gorontalo State University successfully held a webinar "EDU-TALK GEOSPHERE" with the theme Finding Research Novelty: Maximizing ScienceDirect and VOSviewer for Scientific Literature Navigation. This event aims to equip students and academics with skills in searching and analyzing scientific literature effectively. The webinar which was held online presented speakers from Geography Education lecturer Mr. Daud Yusuf, S.Kom., M.Si, The participants were given insight into how to use ScienceDirect to find relevant references and the use of VOSviewer in bibliometric analysis to find novelties in their research.
This routine activity is expected to increase student competence in conducting quality literature reviews. By utilizing tools such as ScienceDirect and VOSviewer, students can more easily identify the latest research trends and find relevant research gaps. Through this EDU-TALK GEOSPHERE webinar, the Geography Education Study Program, FMIPA, Gorontalo State University hopes to continue to contribute to scientific development and improve the quality of student research in the field of geography and related sciences.
Pelantikan Ikatan Alumni di Jurusan ITK, adalah pelantikan ikatan alumni dari dua program studi, yaitu program studi pendidikan geografi dan program studi Teknik geologi, dan ini adalah pelantikan pengurus Ikatan Alumni Pertama yang akan di lantik
Menerima Naskah Artikel untuk periode Maret 2021 Vol 2. No. 1
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Jurnal JGEJ diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi FMIPA UNG. Ruang Lingkup Bidang: 1. Pendidikan Geografi 2. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Studi Geografi 3. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Geografi 4. Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Geografi 5. Kajian Isi Pembelajaran Geografi 6. Kajian Kebijakan Pendidikan Geografi 7. Geografi sosial