Community Service Lecturer of the Geography Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo in Bintalahe Village, Bone Bolango Regency

Oleh: Febriyani Tue . July 7, 2024 . 16:30:21

Lecturers of the Geography Education Study Program, Gorontalo State University, carry out community service in Bintalahe Village, Bone Bolango Regency. Community service activities were carried out on Sunday, July 7, 2024 by providing socialization to the community and students about disaster mitigation education and environmental conservation based on local wisdom in the coastal area of Tomini Bay. 


In this activity, it was divided into two locations for the community and elementary school students who blended in from grades 2 to 5. Students were enthusiastic in participating in the presentation which was interspersed with traditional games. Not only playing, students were also given quizzes about disaster mitigation and local wisdom in their area, especially the coastal area of Tomini Bay.
