Geography Education held a Guest Lecture and Scientific Discussion again with Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG)

Oleh: Febriyani Tue . June 13, 2024 . 14:10:15

Geography Education again held a guest lecture and scientific discussion with the theme "Geospatial for Sulawesi: Mutual Cooperation in the Provision of Regional Boundary Elements in the Updating of the Basic Map". The resource person presented from BIG, Mr. Aji Putra Perdana, S.Si, M.Sc as an Intermediate Mapping Surveyor with a team from Badan Informasi Geografi (BIG). This guest lecture and scientific discussion was held at the Head Meeting on the 2nd floor of FMIPA with the number of students who participated in this activity as many as 25 people.


The purpose of this guest lecture and scientific discussion is to provide a comprehensive overview of the important role of Geospatial data in modernizing and updating basic maps, especially for the Sulawesi region. In essence; the importance of accurate geospatial data, collaborative efforts, technological advancements, challenges and solutions, and future directions.
