Geography Education signed IA with PT. Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk and Guest Lecture for Mining Practitioners

Oleh: Febriyani Tue . May 28, 2024 . 14:15:00

Geography Education Signed IA in Collaboration with PT. Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk also held a Guest Lecture for Practitioners with the theme "Good Mining Practice and Occupational Safety for the Sustainable Mining Industry". The resource person presented was from mining practitioners of PT. Gorontalo Sejahtera Mining (GSM) and PT Puncak Tani Emas Sejahtera (PETS). The Practitioner Guest Lecture activity was held in the 3rd Floor Hall of FMIPA and was attended by 100 students from the ITK Department (Geography and Geological Engineering Education) and students of the Industrial Engineering Study Program. 

Remarks from the faculty leaders represented by the Vice Dean I of FMIPA, Dr. Tedy Machmud, M.Pd, he said the importance of good mining practices and occupational safety in creating a sustainable mining industry. The next speech as well as the opening of the practitioner guest lecture was delivered by the Vice Chancellor II, Dr. Moh. Hidayat Koniyo, ST., M.Kom. In his remarks, Mr. WR II emphasized that the collaboration with PT. Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk will strengthen the tri dharma of higher education, namely education, research, and community service.


The participants gained material insight into the Principles of Good Mining Practice in the Mining World. Participants were also invited to play with quizzes that had been prepared by the presenters and get souvenirs for active participants.
