The Geography Education Study Program of Gorontalo State University held a Scientific Paper Writing Training on Saturday, September 7, 2024, which took place in the Geography Laboratory room, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This training was held to improve students' ability to write quality scientific papers, especially in preparing papers, theses and scientific articles for academic journals.
The training, which was attended by students of the class of 2024, opened new insights on how to write good scientific papers, from choosing relevant topics to procedures for writing citations and bibliographies in accordance with scientific standards. Writing scientific papers is one of the skills that must be mastered by students, especially to compile a final project. Good scientific work not only meets academic requirements, but can also be a real contribution to the development of science.
This activity was carried out by the geography education student association in order to realize the work program with the theme "Improving student skills in using Microsoft Word as a tool for writing scientific papers such as writing papers and reports with Mendeley". This activity is part of the Geography Education Study Program's efforts to support HIMAGI to continue to encourage students to be active and able to write scientific papers well in accordance with writing guidelines.
Pelantikan Ikatan Alumni di Jurusan ITK, adalah pelantikan ikatan alumni dari dua program studi, yaitu program studi pendidikan geografi dan program studi Teknik geologi, dan ini adalah pelantikan pengurus Ikatan Alumni Pertama yang akan di lantik
Menerima Naskah Artikel untuk periode Maret 2021 Vol 2. No. 1
Gratis untuk biaya submit dan publikasi
Jurnal JGEJ diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi FMIPA UNG. Ruang Lingkup Bidang: 1. Pendidikan Geografi 2. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Studi Geografi 3. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Geografi 4. Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Geografi 5. Kajian Isi Pembelajaran Geografi 6. Kajian Kebijakan Pendidikan Geografi 7. Geografi sosial