The 13th Anniversary of Himpunan Mahasiswa Geografi "HIMAGI TRANSFORMATION Towards the Golden Generation"

Oleh: Febriyani Tue . April 27, 2024 . 14:10:17

Commemorating the birthday or the formation of Himpunan Mahasiswa Geografi, HIMAGI made the 13th Anniversary event with the theme "HIMAGI TRANSFORMATION Towards the Golden Generation". In her remarks, the Coordinator of the Geography Education Study Program, Mrs. Masruroh, M.Pd, gave directions regarding the Transformation process, in the journey of the 13th HIMAGI not only because of the demands of the times but also because of the necessity in developing and being creative. The age of 13 indicates maturity and long experience in giving birth to useful thoughts and activities as well as giving birth to great alumni activists in building student associations. Continue to be creative and innovate for the future association which is increasingly complex with the demands of the times. 


Also attending was the Head of the Department of Earth Sciences and Technology, Mr. Dr. Aang Panji Permana, S.T., M.T. he gave a brief speech as well as opened the 13th Anniversary of HIMAGI. Hopefully Himpunan Mahasiswa Geografi will continue to work and continue to make a real contribution to the Geography Education Study Program.
