Gorontalo - Alumni are the representative of the study program as a result of a long process in student academic activities. "Building Alumni Synergy within the Family Frame" is a theme for a new point for geography education alumni in the alumni association, which was officially founded today (23/01).
La Isra, S.Pd was chosen as the current leader for the period 2021-2024 during the inauguration of the IKA Alumni Geography education. In his remarks, one of the things that were mentioned on that occasion was the issue of graduates who do not have the soul of a warrior to compete in the world of business or professions.
"The attitude of the alumni must be changed; many after graduation are discouraged, some go straight home, so access to information is missing, or there are generally some who close communication with other alumni,"
In the future, alumni will play a significant role in fostering synergy. The inauguration began with remarks from the head of the Department of Earth Science and Technology, Dr. Sunarty Eraku, M.Pd., who expressed his gratitude to all parties who have come together in one vision to develop the Department of Earth Science and Technology (ITK), particularly geography education, to form IKA Alumni.
The inauguration of IKA Alumni was led directly by the Dean of FMIPA, UNG. Prof. Dr. Astin Lukum, M.Si expressed hopes in his speech that alumni will always make the alumni association of geography education for the period 2021-2024 a forum for building synergy, Ika Alumni and alma mater, alumni are needed in developing curriculum direction and cooperation that can develop in the future.
"IKA Alumni are unquestionably required for each study program in terms of curriculum improvement and the development of teamwork."
Alumni, all lecturers in the ITK department, as well as Deputy Deans I, II, and III FMIPA, UNG, were present at the Inauguration of the IKA Alumni of geography education. []