UNG's Geography Education Lecturer, Talks about the National Police and Maritime Affairs in the Media

Oleh: Hendra . January 20, 2021 . 07:54:52

GORONTALO - Daud Yusuf, Lecturer of geography education at UNG, highlighted the change of the new National Police Chief. In his writing, published in Gorontalo online media, Kabarpublik.id revealed that the task of the new National Police Chief in the future would face many formidable challenges, not only regarding the Covid-19 outbreak, but also many other homework that must be addressed. One of the problems that the UNG Lecturer has addressed is the role of the National Police Chief later in fighting maritime crimes.

Maritime crimes must involve the important role of the National Police Chief. One of the maritime crimes that we are wary of is illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUUF). Every year there must be foreign fishing boats stealing fish in Indonesian waters. The lecturer, whose writings are concerned with the marine and fisheries world, "I hope that the new National Police Chief can find a solution that will solve maritime crimes in Indonesian waters"

In addition to discussing the active role of the National Police Chief later, he also touched on the maritime characteristics that were carried out by the nation's founders. Every individual, especially the youth, must understand the maritime characteristics as a sign that Indonesia is a country that has a highly respected maritime history and is rich in resources. Not only that, he also hopes that the youth will not let go of their hands in building this nation. Thus, the future generation of this nation, especially the millennial generation, will not be trapped in the barriers of primordialism, continued this UNG geography lecturer, explaining.
