SCHOLARSHIPS are one of the most important available resources to students to help them finance for their education. The government, corporate sector, and community groups, on the other hand, provide a variety of facilities and ways to increase student interest and provide access to education for all communities, resulting in Indonesian education becoming increasingly advanced and developed.
Various scholarships are easily accessible, both on and off campus, however due to a lack of information, students have not taken full advantage of the scholarship opportunities. In truth, scholarships will benefit students not only in terms of financing their further education but also in terms of developing their character and soft skills.
The following are some of the scholarship opportunities available on and off campus:
KIP K Scholarship (Kartu Indonesia Pintar) KIP K Lecture Scholarship (KIP-K) is a scholarship program for underprivileged and outstanding students organized by Dikti. This program assists in tuition fees and living expenses for students for eight semesters. All prospective Indonesian citizens who meet the requirements are entitled to this Scholarship Assistance.Since this aid program was launched, the Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has always been a part of this program. Through this program, many underprivileged students can study at quality universities.A. Terms and Conditions High school students or equivalent who have graduated or will graduate in the current year or have passed a maximum of 2 years previously have a valid NISN, NPSN and NIK. - Have good academic potential but have economic limitations supported by valid documentary evidence. - High school / vocational / MA or equivalent students graduate in the current year with good academic potential and have a KIP Card. - High school / vocational / MA or equivalent students graduate in the current year with good academic potential and have a Prosperous Family Card. - Passed the selection of new student admissions and was accepted into PTN or PTS in Study Programs with Accreditation A or B. It is possible with specific considerations in Study Programs with Accreditation C. B. Registration Schedule The KIP K registration schedule coincides with the new student recruitment schedule
The Bank Indonesia Scholarship is a scholarship provided by Bank Indonesia for undergraduate and vocational students at PTN & PTS and selected SMK students. BI will assist with tuition fees, study allowances, and living expenses through this scholarship.Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has the opportunity to award this scholarship every year. Since 2014. In 2022, UNG will receive a quota of 88 people. |
A. Criteria
B. Document Requirements
C. Scholarship Quota The quota for prospective recipients is given by Bank Indonesia and distributed by Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Sending future recipients of Bank Indonesia scholarships (complete files) shall not be later than the date set to the BAKP Student Affairs Section. The proposals become invalid if submitted past the deadline. D. Selection Mechanism 1. Stage I (College)
2. Stage II (Bank Indonesia)
E. Announcement stage Bank Indonesia officially sends the selection results through the Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Scholarship funds are channeled directly through book-entry/transfer to a bank account in the name of the scholarship recipient every six months (semester) to regular scholarship recipients. F. Scholarship Amount The amount of the Bank Indonesia scholarship received by students is Rp. 1.000.000/month maximum can be accepted for two semesters (Suppose, in the following semester the IPS student receiving the BI scholarship is < 3.00, then the person concerned cannot be submitted again as a BI scholarship recipient).
Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia Scholarship Van Deventer-Maas Stichting is a private foundation with a mission to support the education of the Indonesian people. This foundation was founded in 1947, based on the agreement and wish of Mrs Elizabeth Maas, the wife of Pak Coen Van Deventer. Stichting merged with the Tjandi Foundation (founded 1913) and Van Deventer Stichting (founded 1917), adapting the Kartini Foundation, founded in 1913.On 12 September 2017, the VDMS representative office in Indonesia officially became the Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia Foundation (YVDMI), whose management was entirely entrusted to Indonesia. Coen Van Deventer, who cares about the inequality of economic relations between the Netherlands and Indonesia, focuses on helping education in Indonesia by providing funds in scholarships and character development programs.The couple is not blessed with children. Therefore, they decided to donate their wealth (as a charity) to develop the potential of the Indonesian people. One of the forms of assistance provided is scholarships for young, talented, high achievers students from economically disadvantaged families. Scholarships are given starting from the second year until the end of the study period according to educational standards (e.g. S1 = year 2-4) unless the person concerned cannot maintain achievement (GPA < 3.00), is on leave, does not confirm receipt of funds and does not provide a report at all in a certain period.Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has had the opportunity to become a distribution partner for the van Deventer scholarship since 2016. In 2021, 26 UNG students were recruited as recipients. |
A. Criteria
B. Scholarship Amount and Benefits
C. Registration Process The Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia scholarship application must be made online via You can download the form for the list of required documents when you have completed the online registration. If you are "invited" to the second stage, you must submit the necessary documents to the Person in Charge at your campus. D. Requirements Documents
The university will send documents to the Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia Foundation office in Yogyakarta to be selected according to the criteria above. Suppose you are accepted as a scholarship recipient. In that case, you must sign a scholarship agreement letter between you and the campus according to the approval and provisions of Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia.
Bone Bolango Regional Government Scholarship The Bone Bolango Scholarshipent Scholarship, known as the Bone Bolango Cemerlang Scholarship Program (BBC), is one of the local government programs that aim to ease the burden of education costs for students from the Bone Bolango area. This scholarship is for D3, S1, S2 and S3 students. The BBC scholarship program will provide study assistance to Bone Bolango students who are still actively enrolled in lectures. Including students at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo who meet the requirements. The recruitment of this scholarship is directly by the Regional Government through the Education Office of the Bone Bolango Regency.UNG's involvement in this scholarship program is to verify the status of active students and the student's GPA to be determined. A. General Requirements
B. Special Requirements
National Amil Zakat Agency Scholarship (Baznas) The National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS), through the BAZNAS Scholarship Institute, launched the BAZNAS Scholar Scholarship (BCB) program. To break the chain of poverty, BAZNAS optimizes education programs to improve the quality of the economy and education for the poor.The BAZNAS Cendekia Scholarship is educational assistance and self-development guidance for ongoing undergraduate students at 101 partner campuses of the National Amil Zakat Agency Scholarship (BAZNAS)Since 2018 the Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has become one of the universities that have collaborated with BAZNAS in the recruitment and implementation of the BAZNAS Scholarship Program. A. General Requirements
B. Special Requirements
Single Tuition Assistance (BUKT) Single Tuition Assistance is a single tuition subsidy with a value of up to Rp. 2.4 million from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). This assistance will begin to be disbursed in September 2021. This assistance can be obtained by students whose economy has been affected by COVID-19. Gorontalo State University students affected by Covid 19 received this assistance. The selection of BUKT recipients is based on the faculty's proposal based on the provisions and criteria of the ministry. |
Djarum Scholarship Since 1984, the Djarum Foundation has consistently contributed to the world of education in Indonesia. This step begins with the realization that education is one of the efforts to improve the welfare of the community and nation in realizing a better future. The Djarum Foundation plays an active role in advancing education in Indonesia through a merit-based scholarship program known as the Djarum Scholarship Plus for high achieving students in Indonesia. What distinguishes Djarum Scholarship Plus from other scholarship programs is that, apart from receiving scholarship funds for one year, Beswan Djarum (the name for the Djarum Scholarship Plus program) also gets various kinds of soft skills training to prepare them to become future leaders of the nation. This training includes Nation Building, Character Building, Leadership Development, Competition Challenges, and International Exposure. It doesn't just stop there; through the Community Empowerment program, Beswan Djarum is also allowed to apply various soft skills that have been obtained by being directly involved in providing solutions to a social problem in the environment where they are located. Through cultivating and empowering the recipients of the Djarum Scholarship Plus program, this series of training is intended to harmonize the academic achievements (hard skills) obtained in higher education with various soft skills (soft skills) obtained from this program. The goal is for Beswan Djarum to become a future leader nation’s future lead intelligently and emotionally capable. More than 12,360 outstanding students have become program recipients. They come from various educational backgrounds in more than 123 leading universities in all 34 provinces in Indonesia. A testament to the seriousness of the Djarum Foundation in its commitment to building the nation through education. So far, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo students have the opportunity to be part of the recipients of the scholarship. Complete information on the scholarship can be found at |