Geography Education, FMIPA Gorontalo State University participates in Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Digital Literacy with Tular Reason on Ponelo Island

Oleh: Febriyani Tue . July 15, 2024 . 17:45:00

 Gorontalo, July 15, 2024 – The Tular Nalar program engages educators through universities to improve critical thinking skills and digital literacy among the community, a series of activities carried out on Ponelo Island, especially at SMA Negeri 8 North Gorontalo, Geography Education with several study programs at Gorontalo State University (UNG) and the Sultan Amai Gorontalo State Islamic Institute (IAIN) participated in this Digital Literacy activity. This activity aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to face the challenges of the digital era.

Through interactive discussions and games, students are invited to understand the importance of critical thinking in accessing and processing information. The Tular Nalar program is an initiative initiated to increase public awareness of the importance of digital literacy and critical thinking skills. Through a series of educational activities, Tular Nalar together with universities in Indonesia, one of which is Universitas Negeri Goronyalo, seeks to equip the community with the knowledge and skills needed to face the increasingly complex and challenging information era.
