The ITK Department Student Debate Competition representing the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences advanced to the University level

Oleh: Febriyani Tue . April 24, 2024 . 18:41:08

A national standard student debate competition organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education every year to find seeds that excel in critical thinking and are able to speak in public. Competition in the field of Indonesian language debate is one of the self-actualization activities for Indonesian students. Liya Anggraeni, a Geography Education student of the class of 2023, achieved success as part of the 3rd best team in the 2024 Gorontalo State University KDMI with her classmate representing Geological Engineering Dicky Rahmansyah S. Tone. 

Dicky and Liya's achievements have carved their names in bringing FMIPA to compete at the University Level representing the Faculty, this proves that every student, especially from Geography Education, is able to compete and achieve brilliant achievements at the University and National levels. Their enthusiasm and struggle are an inspiration for the entire academic community to continue to excel and make the name of their almamater proud.  
