UNG Geography Education Student Won 3rd Prize in the Nusantara Scientific Poster Competition.

Oleh: Hendra . April 16, 2021 . 12:57:36

Geography Education Study Program students participated in a scientific poster design competition organized by Nusantara Reasoning and Research UKM, Nusantara University PGRI Kediri. Students of the Geography Education Study Program, State University of Gorontalo who took part in the competition were assistants to the geography laboratory. The student is Moh. Fahry Djraini Class of 2019 (team leader), Moh. Fajri Badjoli Batch 2020 (team1 member) and Abdul Rahim Yunus 2020 batch (team 2 member). In the Nusantara Scientific Poster Competition in 2022, a student of the Geography Education Study Program won the 3rd best place. This activity can motivate other students to compete on campus and outside the campus so that they can increase their knowledge of natural phenomena that are actually happening. Students can also benefit from network expansion with other students nationally.
