Geography Education Students Learn about Rainwater Conservation and Harvesting Systems in Solopamioro Village, Bantul Regency

Oleh: Hendra . February 27, 2022 . 13:24:52

Today's students must have hard skills and soft skills to be able to win the competition in the world of work and benefit society. Sharpening students' hard skills and soft skills is not enough just to be carried out in the classroom. A direct review is needed in the field so that students can see the problems and solutions directly in the field. This time, students learned about good practices carried out by the community in Imogoro District, Bantul Regency in land and water conservation. Imogiri sub-district is mostly hilly, but it can be a producing area for various superior agricultural commodities including Shallots, which are planted between rice planting periods and take advantage of rainwater that is stored in dams. Students receive an explanation from Prof.Dr.rer.nat. Junun Sartohadi, M.Sc was accompanied by the Head of the Geography Education Study Program, Dr. eng. Sri Maryati, S.Si, and several lecturers of the Geography Education Study Program.
